I first came to know Ed Begley Jr. from his role as Stan on Arrested Development... eventually I learned that he was also a serious environmentalist with his own his show on Planet Green, Living with Ed about how he lives sustainably. "It started in 1970, because of the first Earth Day. As a Boy Scout I’d had exposure to the outdoors, and I grew up in very, very, very smoggy L.A. in the ’50s and ’60s. You’d have trouble breathing. By 1970 I said, “I’ve had enough.” He decided to 'greenify' his home by installing nine solar panels on a tracker that follows the sun, collecting rainwater with barrels connected to the rain gutters, he also created a solar oven and set up a stationary bike which generates power (15 min of biking creates enough energy to run his computer all day+power his toaster!). Ed travels most places on his bicycle, even to different cities on his campaign LOOK UP, an public outreach project which helps educate homeowners on saving energy/ money. He also created a line of nontoxic cleaning products, Begley’s Best, as a way of raising money for charity... Oh and did I mention Ed's vegan? clearly the dude walks the talk and never compromises his values... he's a personal inspiration and hero.
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